Reply To: US Expat Tax – Married NRA File Jointly or Separately?

Home Forums US Expat Tax – Married NRA File Jointly or Separately? Reply To: US Expat Tax – Married NRA File Jointly or Separately?


If you plan at some point to go back with her yes start now and yes you have to register your marriage in the consulate here .

As she does not have a green card she can not get a SSN but she can get a Tax payer ID number ( you have to love the IRS )

For you tax liability it would not make a difference as you do not spend enough time in the US and have no property . But at the time you want to get her a US passport or a green card the first thing you have to provide is tax records so having her in the filing papers will save you a lot of aggravation later on .

As for the Roth IRA Really not sure sorry.

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