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Anyone here knows details about this Ruidong Hospital?I have on-going infertility workup with a Traditional Chinese OB Gyne but Its been like more than a year and until now all he can give me are bitter chinese herbs, Diane 35 pills to stimulate my hormones. I came back home last Feb and saw my OB Gyne.

She diagnosed with mild Endomyosis. She prescribed me with Clomid and Duphaston. Im on my 2nd cycle now and hopefully it works. Im doing this on my own. I need continuity in my treatment like monitoring of follicles, etc. and see if medication works for me.

But none here in my City (2 hrs away from Shanghai) seems reliable. If none of this infertility treatment works, then we might try IVF.

Does anyone knows how much IVF costs in Shanghai? Typical for Chinese patient. I dont want also those Wai Guo Ren hospital as I cant really afford them.

Thank you and any info would be greatly appreciated.

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