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That’s a good package, I’m assuming that his yearly salary is $59K, is that paid in RMB into a local account, or in $ to an overseas account ? there are many posts on this issue, you might have to consider FX fluctuations.

$9k a month will get you a great place, if $59k is his yearly salary, considering the rest of the package, the salary seems a bit low although I don’t what job he is going to do. As the rent will be dead money, have you considered asking for a higher salary, but a lower housing allowance ?

I don’t have kids, but you say that the schools will be paid for, are there any limitations in their offer, such as a maximum schooling fee ?

settling fee of $8900 is great, driver and car good, medical good, $10K shipping costs, all sounds great, can’t think of anything else you really need.

really these kind of packages are few and far between, but of course it depends on what your husband can offer the new employer and how much they want him.

would recommend you come for an inspection visit, though you have a lot of choice with $8900 per month and they have agreed to pay for a hotel for the 1st month so you would have enough time to find a place. we have nowhere near that allowance, nearer $4000 and we got a 3 bed 2br apartment in changning district in a nice compound, our company paid for a hotel for upto 3 weeks and we moved into our place within 2 weeks of getting here, though I did take 2 days of work and blitzed the place.

I would definitely use an agent, make a list of your “must haves” and “like to haves”, tell them the areas you would like to live (dictated by location of school and work), if your company has a preferred agent give your requirements to your HR dept and be very clear in the type of place you want otherwise they will take you to places that just waste your time. Don’t assume they know what you want.

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